Add an action that will auto execute on a page load


When navigating to a page, it would be nice if there was an auto exec feature to execute an action upon page load. This could be done on the actual loading of the page, which would mean it would always execute whenever the page is loaded, such as when reaching the page for a second time, perhaps by using the back button. Or the action could be tied to the pagelink that takes you there. So if there were two or more pagelinks that point to a single page, one or more of the pagelinks could also execute the action. But not necessarily all of them.

 Posted by at 1:20 am

  2 Responses to “Add an action that will auto execute on a page load”

  1. This is going to be the next feature added. I think the way it will work is there will be a “page” with actions that can be selected for auto-executing. The page will have a special name, similar to the way actions are selected for widgets.

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